How To Determine Whether Your Recording Arrangement Is Optimal

How To Determine Whether Your Recording Arrangement Is Optimal

After you’ve collected data from a few sessions, open the video files in Datavyu and view representative portions of the videos at various speeds, including real time, speeds faster and slower than real time (1x, 1/2x, 2x with the shuttle keys, and frame-by-frame using the jog keys), and while moving backward through the video at various speeds (-1/2x, -1x, -2x, jogging backward, etc).

Are the critical behaviors on camera?

Do the zoom and camera angle make it easy to see the behaviors of interest?

Can you see the frame when a behavior of interest starts and the frame when it ends or is it too blurry?

If you cannot see and hear the behaviors of interest, you will need to revise your recording arrangement or rethink your goals for coding.